Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A poem...from the heart

I was a fish in the ocean and I crossed the shores for you
I struggled in the land and returned back to my ocean
One day i smiled,other day felt frustrated
I buried you without killing Will you forgive me?

You are like a light in distance and draw me towards you
What do i do with the heart that melts at the thought of you
I struggled to walk;I became a rain made out of thread
I became an artist because of you;

I'm a wave in the running water; You are the moist within me
I missed the boon that i got will you forgive me love
I am like the paperwhich floats in air;You made me into a letter
To start and end with love like a lighthouse

One who doesn't love is not possessive but
One who loves would be willing to part their bones;
Why did you come into my life my dear ;
Will you disappear like a mirage?

Night is the time when everyone sleeps;
But I wet the pillows with tears in nights
Affection cannot be confined;
Uncontrollable tears will roll down

I thought i lost life and i found it back in you ?

1 comment:

  1. Murka...Poem is good. Is that for me or for someone else. I will kill you if you talk to anyother gal and pretnd your inncoent. Inka smoking chesthunavaa? Champesthaa ninnu...Quit all you addictions and become responsible...Achieve your goals...I'm always there for you....even though i'm not present physically with you.
